General Tab of the Application Preferences Dialog Box

Use this tab to enter or edit earned value terminology and terminology used on project prompts.

You can modify screens and reports to match the terminology used by your company. For example, if you use the term charge number instead of control account, you can change it on the Application Preferences dialog box, and everything within the application changes to match the term you enter.

Warning: When you make changes in this dialog box, you must exit Cobra for changes to take effect. If you use PM Compass, you must stop and restart all Web services.


Field Description
Project Terminology

Use this group box to enter or edit terminologies for the following:

  • Control Account
  • Work Package
  • Control Account Manager
  • Budget
  • Earned/Earned Value
  • Actuals
  • Budget at Complete
  • Estimate at Complete
Milestone Weighting

Use this group box to define the following milestone weight options:

  • Percentage variance of budget and milestone weight — Enter the percentage that the milestone value can vary from the budget before Cobra displays a warning message when closing the Reconcile Milestone Weight Variance dialog box in the Project view. This helps ensure that you are able to earn value in the period during which the costs were budgeted, and not introduce false variances when the project is performing as planned.
  • Milestone weight calculation accuracy — Enter the level of accuracy that Cobra will use when calculating milestone weights.

    The default is five digits. Five digits yield the sum of milestone weights equal to 10,000.

    The value entered in this field also applies to the accuracy used on Steps progress technique. If Steps is selected as project technique for a work package, the accuracy of the calculation will be based on the value entered for milestone accuracy.

    You can enter values only from 3 to 10.

Precision Display

Enter or select values for the following options:

  • Precision of Percent Complete — Enter the number of digits to the right of the decimal that you want displayed in the % Completed field on the General tab of the Project view, % Complete on the Milestones/Steps tab of the Project view, and Percent in the Time-phase Detail pane of the Project view.
  • Precision of Time-phased Data — Enter the number of digits to the right of the decimal that you want displayed in the Time-phase pane or Time-phase Detail pane of the Project view.
Default Project Template

Use this field to assign a project whose structure, classes, settings and others are copied to all new projects created through the New Project wizard. Selecting a default project template copies the project template's structure into the new project.

Click to select a default project template.

Custom Hooks Location

Use this field to define where custom hook files are stored. Click to browse to the location.

Use Cobra 4.7 terminology 'Result' and 'Alias' for 'Field Name' and 'Result'

In Cobra 4.7, Field Name is called Result and Result (label) is called Alias. You can choose which terminology set to use in some areas of the Cobra application. When you select this option, Field Name is changed to Result and Result is changed to Alias in the following areas of Cobra:

  • Results tab of the Resource File Properties dialog box
  • Calculations tab of the Resource view
  • Add Resource Results dialog box
  • Order Resource Results dialog box
  • Calculated Results dialog box
  • Resources Results page of the New Resource File wizard
  • Time-phase pane of the Project view
  • Field Name of the Insert Column or Edit Column dialog box (when you insert or edit a column in any of the areas mentioned above)